Scots in the Arctic is a topic that relates to the historical, cultural, and political connections between Scotland and the Arctic region. Scotland is the world’s northernmost non-Arctic nation, but it shares many features and challenges with its Arctic neighbours. Scotland has also developed a wealth of expertise on issues such as climate change, renewable energy, rural development, and marine resources that are relevant to the Arctic

In 2019, the Scottish Government published its first Arctic policy framework, titled “Arctic Connections: Scotland’s Arctic policy framework”. This document outlines the strategic importance of collaboration with the Arctic region, and sets out the Scottish Government’s vision and priorities for enhancing Scottish-Arctic cooperation. The framework focuses on four main themes: understanding the Arctic, tackling climate change, promoting sustainable development, and building connections

The Scottish Government aims to strengthen its dialogue and partnership with the Arctic states and peoples, and to contribute to the global efforts to address the challenges and opportunities facing the Arctic region. Scotland also seeks to learn from the best practices and innovative solutions of its Arctic partners, and to share its own experiences and knowledge. Scotland’s Arctic policy framework is a prospectus for mutual learning and cooperation, and a testament to Scotland’s enduring interest and engagement with the Arctic.